6 Reasons to Offer Student Loan Benefits
We asked experts all over the country what the top reason for offering student loan benefits is. We were totally blown away by the number and variety in responses.
Use this tool to estimate the cost of offering student loan benefits with Dolr
Important considerations:
This student loan benefits pricing estimate is not tax or legal advice and is intended to estimate the cost of a Dolr student loan benefits plan. This includes the total contributions paid out, fees paid to Dolr, savings from the impact of offering student loan benefits, and savings from educational assistance program tax deductions of up to $5,250 per person per year estimated at the 25% effective tax rate for small companies. These cost calculations assume a constant employee size. Tax deductions for 2024 costs are calculated based on the number of months remaining this year starting next month. Costs for subsequent years are based on 12 months of service. Speak with our specialists for an in-depth program design uniquely suited to your company.
Learn more about why, what, and how
We asked experts all over the country what the top reason for offering student loan benefits is. We were totally blown away by the number and variety in responses.
With 52% of employees expected to look for a new job this year, student loan benefits are a key differentiator in the competition for top talent. In this post we'll review student loan benefits.
Offering new benefits can be a lot. You've done all the legwork and designed the perfect program to attract, retain, and engage top talent. Now you're ready to start looking at the numbers.